Holiday gratitude and joy. But I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Thanksgiving is already here and Christmas is around the corner. Jeez, where did the year go? As I stand in thanks for all the blessings this year, I can’t help wonder about how freakin’ many of us are affected by the “Me too” campaign. It’s a shame we even have such a campaign. As a cute blond working in corporate America (professional sports then hollywood) I, too, can say “me too”. I’ve moved on. And it made me stronger. You come from a place of power when you stand your ground and say “No means NO” all the while thinking, what is he going to do….fire me? If that’s the case then I say “SO WHAT” this is not a place I want to work. Knowing there is something better and safer for me.
Where do we go from here? How about teaching our daughters and sons that they can say no and mean it. And we treat people how we would want to be treated ourselves. I can’t think of a better way to instill this message than by having our kids work with 1200 lb horses. Very empowering!
Or how about this. Start your own company like I did. I highly recommend being your own boss and serving other women to achieve their goals. 2018 will see the start of “Me Too” workshops here at Begin Again Ranch. Contact me for more info, or wait for the next posting. Wishing you blessings and joy of the holiday season.
Blessings of the season to you and yours from all of us at Begin Again Ranch.
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